Holy Rosary will host another Blood Drive on Sunday, September 22nd from 8:45am to 2:45pm in the side rooms of the Pastoral Center. You can make an appointment by clicking on this page or call 1-800-398-7888. Limited space is available. Can't donate blood? Volunteer at the Drive to answer questions and register people to join the National Bone Marrow Registry.
In Washington, anyone who is in good health, at least 18 years old, and weighs at least 110 pounds may donate blood. Those age 16-17 who meet minimum weight requirements (males 114 pounds, females 125 pounds) can donate with a parent/guardian signed permission form. There is no maximum age for blood donation.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
With the upcoming attorney general hearing, I feel an urgent need to address the accusations that the Archdiocese of Seattle is “not cooperating” with Attorney General Bob Ferguson regarding his subpoena, despite our efforts to be transparent and collaborative... (click to read letter)
We are excited to announce that Holy Rosary and St. Thomas More parishes are joining together to become one Parish Family. Our parish family will go into effect on July 1st under the leadership of Fr. Matthew O'Leary (Pastor) and Fr. Stephen Okumu (Parochial Vicar).
Final parish families announced. After more than a year of careful planning and consultation, the final parish families for the Archdiocese of Seattle were announced February 3, 2024. The parish families will go into effect on July 1st under the leadership of a pastor and one or more parochial vicars. Pastors and parochial vicars will be announced this spring. Click on this section for more information.
As part of the Partners in the Gospel process, through the pastoral consultation phase, it has been proposed that Holy Rosary and St. Thomas More form a Parish Family. The public input phase is happening now. Please join one of the following Partners in the Gospel Listening Sessions in the Pastoral Center to share your input... (read more)
Join us at 6:30 for a glass of wine and light snacks. Guest speaker, Diana Ingle, will talk about “Achieving greater union with Christ through the grace and action of the Holy Spirit”, beginning at 7pm.
This weekend we will be taking a special collection for Catholic Charities Hawaii to deliver resources and services to aid the affected communities in recovering from the devastating Maui wildfires.
Join Fr. Matthew O’Leary - 16 Days: January 21—February 5, 2024. Live and breathe the Bible when traveling to the Holy Land, the land where it all began. Visit and pray at Jerusalem, Caesarea, Capernaum (Jesus’ hometown), the Jordan River, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Bethlehem, Bethany of Lazarus, Emmaus, and many other inspirational places in the Holy Land. Link for brochure and more information: https://holylandtoursllc.com/tour/723
Mother's Day is May 14! For Mother's Day novena intentions, please contact the Parish Office. To make a Mother's Day Novena offering, please visit our parish giving link (click here)
Partners in the Gospel is the next stage of the strategic pastoral planning effort which is taking place across the Archdiocese of Seattle to re-invigorate and renew our local Catholic Church. Watch the video and learn more about this important initiative.
Today the Archdiocese of Seattle announced the addition of two new names - Sister Jerry Lyness, O.P and Father Thomas Phelan - to the official list of Clergy and Religious Brothers and Sisters for Whom Allegations of Sexual Abuse of a Minor Have Been Admitted, Established or Determined to be Credible. . . .
It is with this gratitude and love for our Lord that I write today. Today we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Pope Francis’ papacy, during which Pope Francis has called us to live the joy of the Gospel, with each person, and all of God’s creation, our common home. . . .
This weekend we will be taking up the 2022 Catholic Community Services Appeal for the Poor. CCS serves tens of thousands of our neighbors in Western Washington with shelter, meals, pregnancy and parenting support, disaster relief and more. Envelopes will be available at Mass. Please click here for more information or to donate.
Associated Catholic Cemeteries invites all Catholics to a Mass for All Souls Day, being celebrated at the following cemeteries. Holyrood in Shoreline, Calvary in Seattle, Gethsemane in Federal Way. Click here for Mass schedule.
Learn how you can welcome and help a Ukrainian family. The Archdiocese of Seattle’s Immigrant and Refugee Ministry is participating in Ukraine Welcome Circles, a pilot program funded by the USCCB’s Migration and Refugee to help resettle Ukrainian refugee families. The goal of the program is to create welcome circles for Ukraine families, providing them with the tools, connections, information and financial support they need to settle in the United States. Click to learn more
Archbishop Paul Etienne published a statement regarding the war on Ukraine and President Putin's recent threats to use nuclear weapons. (click to read)
Registration for our Confirmation program for ages 12 to 18 is now open! The first class and orientation will take place on Sunday, October 16th from 6:30-8pm in the Pastoral Center. Click here to view the schedule and register.